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Embodied Essentials Live

Five weeks. Five women.

Coming this June through the amazing alchecmy of small group coaching and embodied practices, I (and your sisters) will help you:

  • Reconnect with your desires so that you can start creating a life that supports you

  • Discover new ways to move so that you feel safe in your body

  • Get clear about what you truly need so that your resources are aligned with what's useful

  • Access even deeper layers of your intuition so that your decisions come from the most powerful, true place

Small group coaching is transformative. It's saying no to the message that you should go it alone and saying yes to the desire for more in your life. Lasting friendships are common in my groups. Subtle, life-altering shifts are predictable. Big life changes are a definite possibility. :)

In Embodied Essentials Live, here's what you get:

Powerful Coaching

Together, we'll go deep during five weeks of powerful 90-minute group coaching sessions to help you reclaim your knowing.

Sessions are on FRIDAYS, starting June 19 and ending July 17.

Weekly Homework

Each week I'll give you four manageable practices from Embodied Essentials as homework to explore before we meet again: a short movement class, a brief guided meditations, a written exercise and a movement-oriented lifestyle-shift.

Lifetime Access

The entire Embodied Essentials toolkit is yours to access forever. This ensures that you have what you need to continue the journey and deepen your process of transformation.

To sign up, click here.